| The closed city of Dubrovnik in Croatia |  |
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| General information | Entirely girdled ramparts, bathed by the sea on three sides, the closed city is classified with the world heritage of UNESCO, which was worth to him to be very quickly restored after the war of independence of 1991. Its remarkable architectural unit and the wealth of its museums makes of it a stage impossible to circumvent of any voyage in Croatia. Its Mediterranean atmosphere, the charm of its lanes and its staircases, the patinated softness of its paving stones invite to the dawdling. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) |
| | Sight since the Sky | _small.jpg) _small.jpg)  | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Sight since the Sea | _small.jpg) | Sight since the Ramparts | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | _small.jpg) _small.jpg)  | Sight since the Holy Mount Serge | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) |  _small.jpg) | The Large Fountain of Onofrio (Velika Onofrijeva fontana) | When one penetrates in the city closed by the west, passed the drawbridge and the Door of Pile, one finds oneself on the place Paskoja Milicevića, with, on the left, the small church Saint Saver and opposite the Large Fountain Onofrio (Velika Onofrijeva fontana) of the same time that the Door. It is a monumental fountain with sixteen faces, surmounted by a dome. The fountain is called after the architect and Neapolitan engineer who set it up, Onofrio di Giordano della Cava. The dome was carried out by Petar Martinov of Milan. The elevated basin where one reaches by two steps is of polygonal plan, as well as the decorated of masks and flanked median part posts; the cupola in semicircular arch with oculus was in the beginning richly decorated with sculptures with character symbolic system. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Large Fountain of Onofrio was high in 1438 to mark the end of the building work a partly underground aqueduct which ensured the food of the city out of spring water of the river of Dubrovnik (Rijeka Dubrovacka), located 11.7 away km close to the village of Šumet; Raguse had spring water thus, contrary to much of Dalmatian cities which were to collect rainwater. The fountain served of tank and principal point of supply for the inhabitants. This fountain was to perpetuate, by its architectural beauty and the murmur of its limpid water, the memory of this great technical exploit, vital importance for the Republic. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Fountain of origin, formerly luxurious, very damaged by the earthquake of 1667, it does not remain that will mascarons them carved from where spouts out water. It however preserved its volume of origin. Appointment of the young people, the large fountain was selected, with the small fountain of Onofrio, like decoration of the comedy “Novela od Stanca” of Sailor Držić, great author comic ragusain of the Rebirth. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Monastery Saint Claire (Samostan Svete Klare) | To go in the District page of the Franciscan ones. | The Church Saint Saviour (Crkva Svetog Spasa) | To go in the District page of the Franciscan ones. | The Franciscan Monastery | To go in the District page of the Franciscan ones. | Placed | Placed (one pronounces “platsa”), of Latin “platea communis”, places common - often called Stradun (according to Italian “strada”) - is the principal artery of the medieval city of Dubrovnik, a street-place towards which converge all the perpendicular streets: it crosses Dubrovnik of west in is, connecting the two principal doors of the city, of Gradska Vrata od Pila (carries of Pile) in Vrata od Ploča (carries of Ploče), via the Place of the Cabin. Placed is a rectilinear and very broad way which is stretched on nearly 300 m length. Placed was built as from the 12th century on the arm of the sea and the marsh which separated the two villages: in north, the continental and Croatian village, Dubrava; in the south, the insular and Roman village, on the small island on which the first city was built, Ragusinus. The street was then paved starting from 1468. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Paved broad stone slabs of Brać, polished by the centuries, and bordered on each side by residences patricians, Stradun presents a very sober style baroque. It owes its remarkable architectural unit with the fast programme of rebuilding of the city, supported by the Senate of the Republic, which followed the earthquake of 1667: the authorities of the city thought town planning in a very rational way, fixing the height and the width of each building, the rhythm of the openings, a similar provision of parts, and imposing a material uniformity (white stone of Dalmatia). One is struck by the majestic simplicity of stone architecture, the architectural unit and the beautiful symmetry of his frontages baroques. The ground floor was reserved for the various trade, which stresses well the importance of the trade for the old Republic of Raguse. All the shops adopt the style “Na koljeno”: an arch overhangs the window and carries within the same framework. Before the seism of 1667, Stradun was bordered of luxurious palace. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Placed is the main roads symbolic system of the city, that which borrow the great crowned processions, at the time of religious holidays, like that of the Saint Blaise (February 3rd). It is also the axis of the principal sewer of Dubrovnik, since the édiction of the Laws to the Measures of Hygiene at the 13th century. With its shops, its restaurants and its terraces of coffees, this street entirely pedestrian is also the preferred place of walk of the inhabitants of Dubrovnik, especially of the young people, and the tourists come from the four corners of the world. The summer, the terraces of the coffees advance until in its medium. Each evening, to the fallen night, the brilliant one of the paving stones gently polished by the centuries returns the light and adds to the magic of the stone. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Palace of the Festival | Located at the angle of the street of Sigurata, this palace typical baroque had the double function of habitat and trade. Built after the earthquake of 1667 according to the project of the architect Giulio Cerruti on the site of several medieval pieces, northern side of Placed. It is one of the first private buildings whose project was approved by decree of the Senate in the month of May 1668. Standard house, with the simple frontages with windows profiled on the floors. The ground floor directed towards Placed was divided into four stores, the doors are characteristic of all the houses of this street-place. The side entry is reserved to the inhabitants of the palace. The interior of the building radically modified and decorated at the 18th century is identical to all the levels; it understood a hall with a staircase with two flights around of which were laid out the richly decorated rooms and rooms: mouldings of the doors, tables to the allegorical scenes with the ceiling, and the walls. The palace was set fire to by the bombardments of 1991. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Northern District of the Closed City | To go in the northern District page. | The Southern District of the Closed City | To go in southern the District page. | The Dominican Monastery | To go in the District page of the Dominicans. | The District of the Cabin | To go in the District page of the Cabin. | The Cathedral of the Assumption | To go in the District page of the Cathedral. | The District of the Jesuits | To go in the District page of the Jesuits. |
| | | | General information | The old city (stari grad) is almost entirely pedestrian; it circulate there only the municipal vehicles. |
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