The Street Prijeko | When one advances on Stradun in the direction of the port, one discovers on his left of many lanes perpendicular to Stradun and very steep, which climb towards the enclosures north of the city. Formerly, it is in this district which the merchants lived. After the great earthquake, its plan was entirely re-examined in a geometrical way, whereas the southern part of the city kept its tortuous drawing. By pushing the doors and by observing the frontages, one notices the standardization of the district in equal blocks of houses baroques, with the balconies sometimes richly decorated. The street Prijeko forms the main axis of the most recent part of the old city, which corresponds to the old Croatian village. After the meeting of the two parts of the city, this district sheltered especially the merchants. Entirely redrawn after the earthquake of 1667, the district was then occupied by the middle-class rich person. The architects then defined the width of the streets and the blocks, as their checkerboard plan going down towards Placed. Each house is built according to the same model (well at the ground floor, cooks on the last floor) and replaces, in general, four medieval residences. By pushing the doors, one often notices the well located under the staircase (as with the n° 8).
The whole of the district is built on an elaborate network of drains which brought water in the private wells of richest. The ground floor is also used for storage. The parts of reception and life are arranged in the first stages, while the kitchen is always on the last floor to avoid the odors. If the blinds of the drawn restaurants to the maximum allow it, one can admire the beauty of the frontages (n° 12.17 and 24), the windows or the consoles of the balconies (n° 13.12 and 14). To the n° 24, a knotty vine leaves to the attack the frontage: it is old 200 years! Towards the line, the lanes which go up in the direction of the ramparts marry the broken relief and become staircases sometimes very stiff, punctuated of luxuriant plants (ficus, philodendron…) and son with linen. The district is invaded today by a large number of restaurants with the animated terraces. | The Street Medovica (Ulica Celestina Medovića) | Since the Minceta tower, to continue then along the ramparts until the end and to go down again towards the left by lspod Minčete which becomes ulica Celestina Medovića and joined Placed it close to the door of Pile. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Street of Sigurata (Ulica Od Sigurate) | The street of Sigurata (Ulica Od Sigurate) leads to the Sigurata church. The Sigurata church - its name is the popular derivative of “Transfiguratio Domini” - is mentioned for the first time in 1281 on the old documents, but its construction is not former to the 11th-12th centuries. It belongs to a group of constructions préromanes in Dalmatia Southerner, characterized by a nave arched in cradles with cupola with crossing and a rectangular apse. After the earthquake of 1667, to the core préroman are added side aisles. | _small.jpg) | The Street Palmoticeva (Ulica Palmotićeva) | _small.jpg) | The Street Kuniceva (Ulica Kunićeva) | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Street Zamanjina (Ulica Zamanjina) | _small.jpg) | The Street Boskoviceva (Ulica Boškovićeva) | _small.jpg) | The Street of the Jews (Ulica Žudioska) | The Jews arrived of number at Dubrovnik after the Spanish reconquista, the beginning of the Enquiry and the expulsion of the Jews of Spain; tolerated by the authorities ragusaines which appreciated their talents of tradesmen and especially of bankers, the Jews were not of it less the object of a segregation. The street with the Jews (Ulica Žudioska), of his Venetian old name “via LED ghetto”, was actually a ghetto where the Jews were confined, with doors at each end which one locked the night. The synagog (sinagoga), of rite sépharade, was founded at the 16th century (1548), inside a Jewish house, to accommodate this community in full rise. It is the oldest synagog of Europe after that of Prague, and shelters the Jewish Museum which preserves rare crowned objects, like a Torah of the 14th century. The current, typical building of the houses of Raguse, whose construction goes back to the 14th century, was rebuilt in 1655. To this time decoration from the parts and the movable baroque go back. In the sanctuary to it gallery-netting is preserved reserved at the women. The synagog and the whole of the ghetto were saved by the earthquake of 1667. Although the Jewish community is today far from numerous (about twenty members), the synagog always exists, but remains especially thanks to the gifts of the American Jewish tourists poured by the steamers of cruising. Visit: Ulica Žudioska 5 (on the left of Placed, right before the place of the Cabin). From mid-April to at the end of October: in theory the every day, except the weekend, of 10:00 to 20:00; except season, 10:00 at 15:00 Paying entry: 15 kunas. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Street Kovacka | _small.jpg) | The Street of the Jewellers (Ulica Zlatarska) | All at the end of Placed, before the Sponza palace, to turn left in this narrow lane which leads to the Saint Nicholas vault. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The Chapel Saint Nicholas (Crkva Sveti Nikole) | The small chapel of the sailors, the chapel Saint Nicholas (Sveti Nikole), is of late Romance style of the 11th century. Rebuilt at the 16th century, it is decorated of a door baroque of the 17th century. |