| The town of Los Realejos in Tenerife |  |
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| | | | | The Church of St. James Apostle (Iglesia de Santiago Apóstol) | Los Realejos has the oldest church of the island, one of the parish of Santiago, built in 1498.The Church of St. James Apostle was built in the hills above Los Realejos and represents the first attempt to build a Christian church where the 25 of July 1496, the “mencey” Bencomo de Taoro, head Supreme Guanche, surrendered weapons Castilians. To thank St. James (Santiago in Spanish) of his good grace, the Conquistador Alonso Fernández de Lugo promised to found a church in this place in honor of the patron of Spain. The present church is the result of many enlargements of the hermitage built in the late sixteenth century. It was declared a National Monument in 1983. It contains beautiful altarpieces of the seventeenth century among which we must mention the altarpiece Santa Bárbara, a jewel of the Canarian baroque wood of Canarian ebony (Appolonias barbujana), altarpieces of La Misericordia, Los Remedios, El Nazareno and El Mayor. Among the paintings, we should mention the Flemish triptych of great value, a painting on wood dating from the early sixteenth and attributed to the master Delft representing the Apostle St. James at its center. The sacristy retains magnificent gold objects in 1677 as a watermark cross and Baroque monstrance of 1739. Mudejar roof and in particular that of overloaded presbytery interlacing, deserves special attention. Its baptismal font carved in jasper would have served to christen the main figures guanches Island. Among the statues, we must mention the Nazareth Martín de Andújar dating from the first half of the seventeenth century. In the central niche of the altarpiece is a beautiful Flemish statue of Santa Lucía of the sixteenth century in the Chapel of El Evangelio, and those of San Pedro Pape and Niño Jesús in the sculptor from Tenerife Sebastián Fernández (eighteenth century). To see the marble cross made in Tenerife from the second half of the seventeenth century.
On the church square, a monument was erected to the historian and naturalist José de Viera y Clavijo (1731-1813), one of the most important figures of the Canaries during the period of the Enlightenment. Phone: 00 34 922 340 261 Visiting hours: hours of worship. | Church of Our Lady of the Conception (Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción) | The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception located in the lower area of Los Realejos, dates back to the early sixteenth century, although it recorded several enlargements until the early eighteenth century. A serious fire destroyed it in 1978 but was completely rebuilt and reopened for worship. Only a statue of the Virgin of El Rosario, probably the Madrid sculptor Pereira (sixteenth century) and a statue of La Dolorosa of Rodríguez de la Oliva, were saved from the flames. Among the gold objects that have not been destroyed by the fire, we must mention the monstrance (second half of the eighteenth century) and the processional cross made in 1563 by Francisco de Soto.Phone: 00 34 922 340 353 Visiting hours: hours of worship. | The Shrine of Our Lady of Carmel | A church designed by Tomás Machado in 1954 and opened for worship in 1965, its exterior is classic. It was built on the grounds of the Augustinian sisters of the convent of San Andrés and Santa Mónica. The titular image of Our Lady of Carmel, is a work attributed to Genevan sculptor Antón María Maragliano (around 1726), especially points to the beautiful face was worth the statue carved in the wood of the Divine Child. The rapid emotional acceptance of locals to this sculpture the fact that today considered the Patroness of the Valley of the Orotava. Declared in May 2008 of Cultural Interest (BIC) in the Monument category for the Canary Islands Government. | Le Domaine des Princes (La Hacienda de Los Príncipes) | La Hacienda de Los Príncipes (XV century), real engine of the local economy in the early days of the town and one of the best examples of civil architecture, is located near the church of La Concepción. This was a large property that the Conquistador the island, the governor or Adelantado, Alonso Fernández de Lugo, is reserved for the person in said region of Campo del Rey, which was the name given by the Conquistadores fertile land of the Mencey Bencomo guanche or king. The governor there established the first sugar refinery Tenerife and there instituted its primogeniture in 1512. This entailed the Conquistador fell in 1579 to a niece of the fourth governor who married in Madrid Antonio Luis de Leyva, Prince Asculi. From then on, they called this property the Hacienda de los Príncipes. Phone: 00 34 922 340 600 | The range of Relief (Playa del Socorro) | Nice black sand beach, popular for surfing. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Rambla de Castro | La Rambla de Castro is a protected landscape which includes a large part of the coast, from Piedra Gorda to the beach of El Socorro. This area transformed by human activities, nevertheless, retained its ecological value and its landscape. One can admire beautiful landscapes near La Rambla de Castro.La Rambla de Castro is named Don Hernando de Castro who was given this region, once completed the conquest of the island, to establish his plantation. The remains of Castro was built in the early sixteenth (although the current building dates from the eighteenth century) by Hernando de Castro. This Portuguese merchant received the land in the first division and from that day, the land became a successful farm. Today, banana crops remain, as well as other plant species such as the Canary palms and dragon trees, vegetation symbol of Tenerife. The hermitage of San Pedro, the eighteenth century and the fort of San Fernando, built at the end of the century to defend against pirate attacks, are the other two most important constructions of this ancient heritage.
| _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | The St. Peter viewpoint (Mirador de San Pedro) | _small.jpg) | The lift of the water Gordejuela (Elevador de Agua de la Gordejuela) | The richness of La Rambla de Castro comes from the abundance of its waters. In 1882, the architect Adolphe Coquet, author of the mausoleum of the Marquis of La Quinta Roja and Hotel Taoro, notes that "springs gush everywhere, mingling their soft murmur in waves."_small.jpg)
| The lift water from La Gordejuela was built in 1903 to supply water to Puerto de la Cruz and other northern areas with water from numerous sources from the coast. It worked by a steam engine to raise water._small.jpg)
| Mountain Brothers (La Montaña de Los Frailes) | The Montaña de Los Frailes is a natural site that includes the volcanic cone of the same name, a recent example of volcanism (Series IV) in this part of the island. |
| | History | Here took place the surrender of the Guanche leaders (indigenous Canary Islands) controlled by Bencomo, July 25, 1496 and therefore the Spaniards decided to build a church dedicated to the Apostle St. James (Santiago) was the first parish counted and Tenerife in which nine “menceyes” (indigenous leaders) and other native dignitaries were baptized. Both Realejos had their royal councilors. Quickly settled there religious convents of San Agustin (with free education) and San Francisco and a convent of nuns of San Agustin. The village took the name Los Realejos December 23, 1954, when was approved by decree unifying the two municipalities in response to their petition. |
| Economy | Prosperity was acquired through the cultivation of sugar cane in the sixteenth century, vineyards and wine in the seventeenth century and part of the eighteenth century, cochineal in the nineteenth and bananas in the twentieth century. |
| | Useful information | Tourist Office: Avenida Tres de Mayo, 5 Open from 9 am to 14 pm Monday to Friday. |
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