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The village of Mirca, island of Brač in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
Mirca is a small village, approximately 200 inhabitants, located close to the northern coast of the island of Brač in Croatia.

Mirca is part of the commune of Supetar in the county of Split-Dalmatia.

The Mirca toponym (to pronounce “mirtsa”) comes from the Latin word “murus” (wall) by reference to ancient constructions now destroyed and dispersed.

In Italian Mirca names Mirza.


Mirca developed with some distance from the coast to protect itself from the attacks of the pirates of Omiš; but the village extends now to the sea: thus, there exists Mirca-Haut (Gornja Mirca) and Mirca-Bas (Donja Mirca).

Mirca is to 3 km west of Supetar on the road of Sutivan, on the north-western coast of the island of Brač.


The Church Our Lady
The construction of the parish church, dedicated to Our-Lady-of-the-Visitation, began in 1579; it undergoes additions baroques in 1733 and was increased in second half of the 19th century.

In the church a retable of the “Virgin of the Seven Pains is”, painted in 1793 by the painter, originating in Supetar, Felix Tironi. Pave Gospodnetić, another local painter, originating in Postira, carried out the tables of saints Cyril and Méthode.

History and traditionsHistory, literature, arts, traditions, legends, religions, myths, symbols…

The village of Mirca was founded at the 16th century by the inhabitants of the localities close to Sutivan and Donji Humac.

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