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The village of Bobovišća, island of Brač in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
Bobovišća is a small village, of approximately 70 inhabitants, located on the island of Brač in Croatia. The village is in fact divided into two parts: the top of the village marries the slope of the mountain which goes down gently towards the sea where Bobovišća-on-MER (Bobovišća Na moru) is framing a small port at the bottom of the mountain.

Bobovišća administratively is part of the municipality of Milna.

The inhabitants of Bobovišća lived primarily of the culture of the olive-trees and the vine, but the village attracts more and more the tourists who prefer places “out of beaten paths”. Bobovišća is also known for its refined laces, a craft industry which was practiced since the 17th century.

The Bobovišća toponym (to pronounce “sore-vich-tcha”) comes from the Croatian word “bob”, which means “broad bean”, the village being famous for its pot cultures.

Under the Republic of Venice, the village named Italian Bobovischie.


Bobovišća is located on the west coast of the island of Brač, perched on its hill overhanging the coast, to approximately 1.5 km above Bobovišća-on-MER.

The village is 2-3 kilometers from Ložišća on the road D114 de Milna.


The Church Saint George
The church (Kelovy author). Click to enlarge the image.The parish church Saint George was built in 1914 on the site of a church of the 17th century.

After being become independent, initially of the parish of Nerežišća then, that of Milna, in 1656, the inhabitants of Bobovišća started to build the church Saint George, for themselves and the inhabitants of Ložišća. The old church was of a simple architecture, with a rosette on its frontage and a typically Dalmatian bell-tower.

In 1914, the population having become more numerous, the inhabitants set up a new church on the same site. The architrave of the old church with the inscription of the year 1696, as well as the rosette of the current frontage, are only pilot outsides of the preceding sanctuary.

The Chapel Saint Martin
The chapel préromane Saint-Martin is set up, like all the old Croatian vaults, on the top of the hill.

Its bell-tower of Dalmatian Gothic style was probably set up only at the 14th century. Here one of the rare interesting stone low-reliefs of Brač is in which the experts see the mark of the Master Nicolas the Florentin (15th century). The low-relief, in its left part, introduces a Madonna to the Child, and, in his right part, a well-known scene of the life of saint Martin, when it divides his coat with Christ represented under the features of a beggar.

The chapel Saint-Martin is a splendid view-point between Milna and Bobovišća and is not far away from the D114 road. It offers, especially with the sunset, a unspoilable view on the narrow channel which separates the island from Brač of that of Šolta, on the Door of Split (Splitska vrata) and on the peninsula of Ciovo.

History and traditionsHistory, literature, arts, traditions, legends, religions, myths, symbols…

The village of Bobovišća was created at the 17th century starting from dwellings of shepherds. With the turning of the 20th century, Bobovišća was a community of several hundreds hearts, but, like many localities of island, the village is unfortunately depopulated today. The olive groves and the vines are left with the abandonment.

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The village of Bobovišća, island of Brač in Croatia
The village of Bobovišća Na moru, island of Brač in Croatia
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