Located at Terreiro da Luta, this monument is devoted to Our Lady of Peace (Nossa Senhora da Paz); it was built following the bombardment of Funchal by the German submarines in 1917. At the time of a ceremony held on the Largo da Fonte (Place of the Fountain) on July 27th, 1917, the priest of the Parish of Monte, the father Jose Marqués Jardim, promised that if peace returned, the islanders would set up a new statue in tribute to Nossa Senhora do Monte. The first stone was posed on November 1st, 1923, and, ten years after the promise, on August 14th, 1927, the enormous marble statue of 5 meters and half height was inaugurated.
The statue was high where appeared of the Virgin of Monte to a young shepherdess at the 15th century. The monument of style néo-Roman represents an image of the Virgin upright on a pedestal supported by four Roman columns. At the base a bronze low-relief represents the appearance of the Virgin to the young shepherds.
The base of the monument is surrounded by an end in form of rosary made up of large rollers of the river of Santo Antônio threaded on the chains of anchor of the French and English ships torpedoed by the Germans in bay of Funchal in 1917.
This excursion through Parks ecológico do Funchal below begins to approximately 3 km with the road the top of Pico do Arieiro: in the “well of snow”, Poço da Neve, which resembles an igloo a little, one stored formerly snow to make ice of it. Of this place, one sees Funchal and his port. In Poço da Neve, to follow the levada do Barreiro towards the south through zones sometimes a little hard; good shoes not taking water are essential. 2:00 and 600 m of later uneven - the weather is hotter, the trees are more numerous -, one reaches an information center on the environment intended for the young people, Put it C Barreiro (to count 20 good minutes on a forest road to the Monte main roads - Funchal).