| The town of Güímar in Tenerife |  |
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| General presentation | Güímar is one of the oldest villages in Tenerife. Thanks to the pact of friendship between the first Adelantado (Spanish political and military leader of the time) and mencey (Aboriginal Head) Añaterve el Bueno, son of Acaymo, the conquistadors could settle peacefully in the menceyato of Güímar. The town was born in San Juan or Güímar de Arriba, near the water sources and the Chapel of St. John the Baptist. But the village was transferred gradually to the coastal zone, is building houses near the parish church of San Pedro, estimated it was built between the late fifteenth century or early sixteenth century. There also existed a Dominican convent, built in 1649 and numerous hermitages, taking into account that it was in this municipality there appeared the Virgin of Candelaria and where was celebrating a worship him for the first time. The village of Güímar obtained the title of town in 1813 and that of “Most Illustrious City” June 28, 1900. |
| | Located southeast of Tenerife, 28 km by road from Santa Cruz de Tenerife with an area of 102, 93 square kilometers and at an altitude of 289 m with a population of 16 251 inhabitants, which tripled during the past 90 years . Its northern boundary is with Arafo and west with La Orotava through Cordillera Dorsal. Its southern border and southwest is with Fasnia. |
| | The Malpaís or slag fields Güímar | The natural area of Malpaís de Güímar includes the volcanic cone Montaña Grande 276 meters high and a crater 300 meters in diameter, and a lava flow that descends to the sea, giving rise to a typical volcanic landscape. This is an interesting area from the standpoint of the geomorphology, flora and fauna. The vegetation is typical of the basal layer with more than fifty superior species, especially gender Euphorbia, spurge as the Canaries (Euphorbia canariensis). There is also a cave formed by the explosion of a huge gas bubble called Cueva Honda, one hundred meters long and five meters high at its highest point. Geomorphological and climatic features make this a unique site of its kind, said special nature reserve. | The ravine of Herques | The ravine Herques has always been an area where there are many caves with Guanche remains. The Guanches settled in effect in areas where there was water and they could find in the area in winter and summer. This ravine is the natural boundary between the municipalities of Fasnia and Güímar. Its spectacular nature, with its slopes and steep escarpments, is due to alluvial deposits that take place every winter. The uncontrollable force of water is unleashed and then it shapes a deep groove. The ravine from the coast perpendicularly to an altitude of 2300 meters at the top. The ravine is a site classified natural site protected by the law 12/1987. | The ravine of Badajoz | Located on the heights of the town, next to the slopes of Güímar, this ravine includes groves of laurel, pine and fruit trees. The ravine of Badajoz is integrated in the protected natural landscape of Las Siete Lomas. La Cueva del Cañizo, an aboriginal cave was used by the Guanche Menceyes or kings of Güímar, is in the ravine. This cave is named after the tangle of sugar cane that exists there. The main value of this site resides mainly in endemic species of Canary flora found there and in the spectacular nature of its vertical walls and steep shape of the ravine. From a historical perspective, the ravine of Badajoz, like the ravine del Rio, allowed to obtain water for crop irrigation located on average altitude and on the coast of this county. From the late nineteenth century to seventy years, and after years of operation, how to capture groundwater in this area has had an interesting evolution (galleries, wells, etc). | The Way of Skidding (El camino del Arrastradero) | The Camino del Arrastradero, literally “the haul road,” lets go to the ownership of Las Lajas or La Marquesa, so called because it belongs to the Marquise, widow of La Florida. A house with the same name is located on the property, near which there is a centennial pine known as Pino de la Marquesa. The path name recalls the intensive exploitation of pine that region in which the production of pitch and wood was common. | The Natural Park of the Forest Crown | The natural park of the forest crown which dominates the Canary pine (Pinus canariensis) is located between the peaks of Izaña (2 386 m) and up to an altitude 1 200 m. The section between Izaña to an altitude of 300 m on the slope called La Ladera and up to 500 m in the valley of Güímar also form a large protected area, known as the Ladera de Santa Úrsula, Los Organos and the heights of the valley of Güímar. This is an area rich in endemic species and beautiful landscapes. | Pyramids of Güímar | _small.jpg) Pyramids of Güímar are a subject of controversy for the archaeologists. Güímar six steps to pyramids very similar to those built by the Mayans and Aztecs in Mexico.Ethnographic Park Pyramids of Güímar is Le Chacona. | The viewpoint of Don Martín | The Mirador de Don Martín, or Mirador de La Ladera, is behind the Astrophysical Observatory Izaña. This gazebo - Unfinished - boasts magnificent views of the rift valley of Güímar whose slopes are overgrown mainly by tropical fruit crops, and in the distance, to the island of Gran Canaria. One can enjoy the contrast between the fertile valley made by irrigation and arid lava fields between the sea and the highway, around the imposing volcano Güímar. | Other places of historical interest | Old Hermitage of San José. House Cano. El Escobonal. House La Raya. sixteenth century. Transformed the eighteenth and nineteenth century. House del Buen Retiro (The Good retirement). Maison du Curé (Casa del Cura). El Escobonal. House Los Mena. Lomo de Mena. Home Miguel Castillo. House Torres (House of Santo Domingo) the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Church of San Jose. Church of the nineteenth century rebuilt in the twentieth century. Place El Escobonal. Beach Chimisay (Llano de la Virgen. El Socorro) |
| | Economy | The cultivated and fertile areas of the Valley of Güímar, one of the oldest cities of Tenerife, receive their visitors with the beauty of their chains of cultures and grace of its inhabitants. Excellent wines are without doubt one of the attractions that have the most success. The economic activity of the municipality is fundamentally based on agriculture. With an extremely varied production, where the potatoes distinguished, grape, banana and avocado; and also tomatoes, gourds, cabbage, fruit and tropical crops is noted, as well as flowers and ornamental plants in greenhouses systems in which Güímar occupies a leading position in the province. Currently most of the population is dedicated to the service industry. Fishing culminates during the summer season when many tourists come to reside and it develops in Petit Port of Güímar, which was before used as a loading dock and unloading. |
| | Restaurant | Finca Salamanca | Address: Carretera Puertito - Sureste: 1,5 km E - 38500 Güímar Phone: 00 34 922 514 530 Opening hours: closed Monday and Tuesday. Set meals (residents only); card about 30 €. Traditional cuisine. |
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