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The town of Lastovo, island of Lastovo in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
Lastovo is the small capital of the island of Lastovo, already inhabited by Illyriens, is also one of the most charming villages of the islands, with its stone-built houses staged around a broad amphitheater.

Between the palm trees, one sees pointing the enormous cylindrical chimneys of the kitchens, which are the mark of Lastovo.

To see: the church Rebirth Saint-Like-and-St-Damien (15th-16th century), his charming small place and the Romance chapel Our-Lady-of-Rock, downwards. On the heights, the fortress of Glavica (kaštel), a Napoleonean building of 1808, replaced a castle dating from the republic of Dubrovnik. The panorama is sumptuous there.


Bay of Skrivena Luka
The bay of Skrivena Luka (accessible in car or by a mule track in 2:00 from walk, bathe) extends at the bottom of beautiful and austere stony hills.
The pretty rock split of Zace (1h on foot in the south-east of Lastovo by the road of Prgovo) is a dream spade-to screw and bathe.
To 3 km west of Lastovo, the wearing of fishermen of Zaklopatica occupies the prettiest bay of the island, almost closed and kept by a small island. Its quay, bordered of some taverns, is a halt appreciated by the browsers.
Chapel Saint Luke (Sveti Luka)
To 4 km of Lastovo towards Ubli, on the left, the chapel Saint Luke (Sveti Luka) is an adorable Romance sanctuary (11th century), built on an old Neolithic site.

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