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The village of Lumbarda, island of Korčula in Croatia

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Lumbarda, much tourist than its Korčula neighbor, extends around several bay on the surrounding hills.

This village of fishermen alternates peaceful quays, small vineyards and sand beaches. It is one of the places where to taste the local wines.

In the extreme south-east, the beach of Pržina is one of the very rare sand beaches of Croatia. It is the part more east of the island, and water is increasingly hotter there than in other bays. The walk which leads to the headlight with Ražnjić is very pleasant.


Lumbarda is located at 5 km in the south-west of Korčula on the island of the same name.


Church Saint Roch (Sveti Roko)
Modeste church in the middle of the old city.
Church Holy-Cross
Church built in 1774 in the middle of the vineyards.

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The speciality of Lumbarda is the wine made starting from the Grk grape. Lumbarda indeed has the characteristic to have beaches and to be surrounded by red sand, in which push quantity of vines, providing a Greek, single wine in the archipelago. It was, in fact, one of the first cities of the island to be rested by Greeks, who, already, cultivated the ground and produced wine.

Later, as of the 16th century, the easy families of Korčula were made there build beautiful residences of summer (“manors house”), whose one still sees some examples, always inhabited.

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