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The Krka river in Croatia - cascades of Skradin

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The cascades of Skradin (Skradinski Buk) are most spectacular of the system of cascades with travertine of the Krka river in Croatia.
Water flows there while thundering in a fine fog of droplets: Skradinski Buk means besides in Croatian it “rustles of Skradin”.


Krka with the approach of Skradinski Buk. Click to enlarge the image.The cascades of Skradin (Skradinski buk) are the last cascades of the river before it is thrown in the Adriatic Sea, and it mingles water with it with Krka and those of Čikola.


Krka with the approach of Skradinski Buk. Click to enlarge the image.Plan of Skradinski buk. Click to enlarge the image.The average annual flow of the Krka river is at this place of 55,000 liters a second, but, in period of torrential rains, it can reach 300,000 liters/second.

This whole of cascades extends on 800 m from length and 100 m from width, for an uneven total of 45.7 Mr. It consists of 17 steps formed by travertine barriers.

For the wealth and the variety of their geomorphological forms, and for their vegetation, the cascades of Skradin are part of the most beautiful cascades with travertine of Europe.

Falls of the Krka river in Skradin (authors Zoran Knez and Drazen Radujkov). Click to enlarge the image.The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image.The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image.
The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).A path of discovery is arranged close to the cascades, with a series of footbridges which skirt the waterfalls to nearest and make it possible to make, in full safety, a pleasant walk of one hour and half around Skradinski Buk. It is even authorized to bathe in water of the basin located at the bottom of the last waterfall; autochtones plunge sometimes since the travertine rocks apart from the authorized zones.
The unloading dock of the boat of Skradin with Skradinski Buk. Click to enlarge the image.Bridge of the road of Šibenik with Kistanje. Click to enlarge the image.The most pleasant means to reach Skradinski Buk is to take the boat of the National park since Skradin; from April to October, this shuttle functions of 8:00 to 18:00 with the outward journey, and of 9:30 to 19:30 with the return. One can also reach Skradinski Buk on foot since Skradin, into 45 min, while going along the bank of the river starting from the bridge on road 56 of Šibenik with Kistanje.

The most practical means is to arrive by car by Lozovac: while coming from Šibenik, to take the road of Knin; to 9 km, to turn left towards Skradin, then, almost at once, on the right towards the entry of the park. While coming from Skradin, to take the road of Šibenik; to 8.5 km, to turn left towards the entry of the park.

The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).The cascade of Skradinski Buk on Krka. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).
The Imperial View-point of Skradinski Buk
The imperial view-point of Skradinski Buk. Click to enlarge the image.The imperial view-point was built by the local populations in the Year of the Lord 1875, in honor of the emperor Franz Joseph of Austria, at the time of his visit with Skradinski buk.

The legend reports that:

Lots of people had piled up on the surrounding hills, of the shots were drawn in the air with the old guns, and the clamors of the popular jubilation accommodated the emperor. Struck dumbness by the splendid sight and this imperial reception of welcome, the emperor spent a long moment contemplating the beauties of the Krka river.
Seen cascade of Skradinski Buk since the imperial view-point. Click to enlarge the image.Seen cascade of Skradinski Buk since the imperial view-point. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).

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