| The village of La Pared in Fuerteventura |  |
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| General presentation | La Pared is a village - about 600 people - south of the island of Fuerteventura, on the west coast of the almost island of Jandía. The attempt in the 1970s to transform the village into a resort failed, and the village has become a place of residence for people working in the southern tourist resorts of the island, like Costa Calma. However, many Germans own a second home. |
| Etymology and toponymy | The place name “La Pared” means “wall”, “the wall”; the resort has this name to the stone wall that separated into two parts the island of Fuerteventura: north the kingdom of Maxorata, south of the kingdom Jandía; this wall began in the north, near the village of La Pared. |
| | The village of La Pared is located in the north of the peninsula Jandía, bordering the Natural Park Jandía. The resort is located on the isthmus of La Pared which separates the peninsula of Jandía from the rest of the island of Fuerteventura; the altitude of the village center is about 40 m above the level of the sea. The territory of the town extends north - beyond the Barranco de La Pared - on the last slopes of the mountain Cardón, including the hamlet of Las Hermosas; south, the territory of La Pared covers much of the isthmus of La Pared, a band of only 6 km wide, covered by numerous dunes of sand constantly changing under the influence of the trade winds.
The village of La Pared is part of the municipality of Pájara, located 20 km north-east. You can access La Pared from Pájara by road FV-605, then taking on the right, a gravel road for a short distance. The bus line No. 4 company Tiadhe - linking Pájara to Morro del Jable - a stop on the FV-605 road at La Pared (www.tiadhe.com/rutas/04.htm). However, most visitors come to La Pared from Costa Calma, 7 km south of La Pared, taking the FV-605 road. |
| | The village of La Pared | The village of La Pared has two parts: the first, more traditional, consists of scattered houses on agriculture and livestock, located in the ravines and valleys that extend to the north, reaching a another small hamlet called Las Hermosas, where a cheese factory that produces artisan cheeses from sheep and goats for sale in the village. There is also the archaeological site of Corrales de Las Hermosas. The second part of the village - more modern - arose from the attempt to create a resort near the beaches of La Pared and Playa del Viejo Rey. It was in 1966 that the first holiday resort was created in La Pared; in the 1970s, an ambitious urban plan was designed with a wide avenue dual carriageway, the Avenida del Istmo, which was to lead to the Playa del Viejo Rey and be lined with shops and restaurants. These projects did not meet the expected success and there are now an oversized Avenue and subdivisions where the streets lead to nothingness. The only hotel that was built was the Hotel Costa Real, for golfers; it is now closed, as well as the adjoining golf school. One remains in the business part of the hotel consists of bungalows. Holiday homes for tourists often become housing for employees of the tourist resorts of southern most island.
The cause of this failure is probably unfit for bathing beaches of La Pared, where breath very often a strong wind, creating strong waves, and where there are dangerous currents. It remains the beautiful sunsets that can be enjoyed, for example, from the restaurant Bahía La Pared over the Playa de La Pared. The village can also be the starting point for hiking and cycling - not too difficult - in the neighboring mountain (the hiking trail No. 7 starts at the bus stop at the first roundabout of the main road) . | The beaches of La Pared | _small.jpg) Bay La Pared has two beaches: the north, Playa de La Pared; to the south, Playa del Viejo Rey; The two beaches are separated by a promontory, 200 meters wide, formed by a volcanic flow, the Punta de Guadalupe. Without being deserted, these two beaches are never crowded.To the west of Playa del Viejo Rey, you can follow a path along the cliffs and discover some coves with tiny beaches at low tide. | _small.jpg) The Playa de La Pared has a length of 200 meters; it lies outside the Natural Park of Jandía. It is a brownish sand beach dotted with stones and protruding rocks; the Barranco de la Pared throws it along the Punta de Guadalupe. It is accessible by car to the parking lot of the restaurant Bahía La Pared. Swimming is not recommended due to unpredictable currents, but the sunsets are unforgettable. | The Playa del Viejo Rey (“Old Roy Beach”) is 800 meters long, and is located within the Natural Park of Jandía. The Avenida del Istmo was to lead it, but has not been completed: the beach is accessed by a dirt track that starts behind the old Hotel Costa Real; some wild parking spaces are available; a staircase leads down to the beach. It is a completely unspoilt beach, brownish sand, less rugged than the Playa de La Pared; surf schools operate there, but swimming is also risky because of strong waves, except when the winds blow from east, usually in summer. | The wall of La Pared | La Pared was the wall that separated the peninsula Jandía from the rest of the island of Fuerteventura. Since the conquest of the island by the Norman noblemen Jean de Béthencourt and Gadifer de La Salle considering that this wall materialize the border between the indigenous kingdoms of Fuerteventura: the kingdom of Maxorata King Guize the north and the Kingdom of Jandía his brother, King Ayoze, south, composed of the peninsula Jandía. But some historians believe that the border went much further north, from the Barranco de la Peña west and the Barranco de la Torre east. According to historical records, that other border have also been materialized by a wall. In this hypothesis, the peninsula of Jandía was a neutral zone whose resources were shared between the two kingdoms. The wall of La Pared was a dry stone wall which stretched from the north coast to the south coast of the isthmus of La Pared, of 6 km in length. However, because of the construction and road works, there remains a small part, often like a pile of stones of one meter high in some places; be aware that it is a historical monument to pay attention. In La Pared, 200 meters north of the restaurant Bahía La Pared, we can see a section of the wall. | Creek Agua Liques | 5 km southwest of the village of La Pared is located Creek Agua Liques (“Eau Claire”) where shepherds once drove their herds of goats - they grazed on the Istmo de La Pared - to make drink in the ravine that flows into this creek. Indeed freshwater flowing layers of sand isthmus of La Pared over an impermeable layer of volcanic basalt, forming sources, precious in this semi-desert environment. Mixing this with fresh water ocean sea water also creates a favorable environment for the development of molds and marine gastropods; the piles of shells that litter the hollows of the rocks of the creek testify that the locals come eat in these molds - the slightly bitter taste - until a few years. The authorities have actually banned this practice in order to allow recovery of the stock of these shells.The easiest way to get to Agua Liques is from the resort of Costa Calma. The hike - pretty easy - 2 hours 30 passes through the isthmus of La Pared and to discover the landscapes of dunes and vegetation. | A hike of Costa Calma in Agua Liques | In Costa Calma, from the shopping center El Palmeral, then follow by mounting the narrow Calle Playa de la Jaqueta. Exit the station by a dirt track going straight towards the northwest, leaving on the right the Calle Playa de la Jaqueta. This track is frequented by many quads, cars and mountain bikes. After about 40 minutes a bifurcation is encountered: keep right and immediately afterwards to a second fork, turn right. The good vehicle track ends after about an hour in a broad area of turn. Following the trail descends to the north coast more rugged way, following a valley that is named on topographic maps Cañada de Agua Liques (“Valley of the Eau Claire”). The valley leads to the ocean cove Agua Liques surrounded by strange sand formations. |
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| Hotel Costa Real | 18 bungalows that remain of the old Hotel Costa Real, temporarily closed. Phone: 00 34 628 245 061 | Restaurant Bahía La Pared | Restaurant Bahía La Pared is located north of the village of La Pared at the back of the Playa de La Pared - badly indicated; the restaurant enjoys a beautiful location where you can admire the famous sunsets over raging waves of the ocean from the terrace or from the room, away from large windows. North of the restaurant is a section of the “Wall” (la pared). The locals come here often, which is a good sign. The restaurant has a playground for children and a leisure pool with water slide.fresh fish specialties, different according to the arrivals, and paella with seafood. Main courses around € 13. Open daily, 12 am to 22 pm. Phone: 00 34 928 549 030 | Horse riding | Rancho Barranco de los Caballos This equestrian center is on the road FV-605, 2 km after La Pared towards Pájara. While Andalusian breed, horses only understand German ... 59 € per person for a 2 hour walk (knowledge of riding required). Phone: 00 34 928 174 151 Site on the Web: www.reiten-fuerte.de | Surf School Adrenalin | During 6 hours (3 days): 125 € French monitor. Address: Valle Ancho 12 Phone: 00 34 928 549 002 Site on the Web: www.adrenalin-surfschool.com | Surf school Waveguru | Address: Avenida del Istmo 17 Phone: 00 34 928 549 122 Mobile phone: 00 34 619 804 447 Site on the Web: www.waveguru.de |
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