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The village of Sobra, island of Mljet in Croatia

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. Click to enlarge the image.At the bottom of a sheltered bay, the peaceful village of Sobra is agreeably encircled mountains.


The village of fishermen becomes animated only to the rhythm of unloadings of the car-ferries coming from Dubrovnik which unload east of Sobra.
Arrival of the catamaran with Sobra. Click to enlarge the image.Port of Sobra. Click to enlarge the image.Port of Sobra. Click to enlarge the image.
Port of Sobra. Click to enlarge the image.Port of Sobra. Click to enlarge the image.
Prožurska Luka
This pretty bay of the island of Mljet, is boxed between the mountains which form a green amphitheater here, and spares superb points of view. The only disadvantage lies in the fact that the road which carries out to it is narrow and very sinuous. If one is not a raftered driver, one will prefer the staircase which goes down there, in 15 to 20 min, by descending the slope (even if the increase is a little stiff…). All in bottom, isolated broad by a small island, one discovers a tiny port well sheltered, very appreciated by the yachtmen.

Prožurska Luka is located at 5 km east of Sobra.

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