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The village of Okuklje, island of Mljet in Croatia

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The village of Okuklje is the most protected from the island of Mljet. Almost invisible broad, it is surrounded, side is in hiding, of wooded mountains. When his quay is gone along, one sees hardly the opening of the handle on the sea and. the broad one, it is easy to pass the port without guessing the entry of it. The sailing ships find one there their favorite dampings.
Its almost closed form was worth with this adorable bay the other name of Okuklje, Oporto Camera (“room”, in Italian), which its intimate character, which like so much the browsers confirm.


Okuklje is to 10 km east of Sobra where the ferry of Dubrovnik arrives. Coming from Sobra, the road forks on the left, just at the entrance of village of Maranovići. The village of Okuklje is 3 km further.

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Some taverns make it possible to enjoy moulds or coldly fished fish there.

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The village of Okuklje, island of Mljet in Croatia
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