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The village of Mali Ston, peninsula of Pelješac in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
Plan of the village. Click to enlarge the image.Mali Ston is a small picturesque port entirely strengthened, kept by the tower of Toljevac (1478).

Toljevac turn. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).

Mali Ston: small Ston (Mali means small).


Ostreiculture in Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).Ostreiculture in Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.


Mali Ston left the boats forwarding salt to Bosnia and Serbia, via the Neretva river.

The village sheltered mainly the garrison in charge of this defense, a small arsenal and an old harbor office close to the old port.

Wearing of Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.Wearing of Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.Wearing of Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.
One penetrates in his lanes by a massive door, pertaining to an immense defensive complex, created with 14th and 15th centuries, by the architects of the ramparts of Dubrovnik, to lock the northern border of the republic.
Access to the fortress. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).House of captain. Click to enlarge the image.House of captain. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).
Mali Ston also has a fortress on the heights.
. Click to enlarge the image.Fortress of Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).Fortress of Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).
Dominated by this imposing fortress, its ramparts ran to join the fortress of Ston while crossing the isthmus.
Plan of the fortifications. Click to enlarge the image.Wall of Ston to Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.Wall of Ston to Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.
The saltworks of Mali Ston are always in activity. The attic with salt of Mali Ston draws up its monumental frontage close to the port.
The village is famous for its seafood culture. The flat oysters (Ostrea edulis, syn. Ostrea adriatica [Lam. - Middendorff, 1848]) are high in bay and the channel of Mali Ston, protected today by a natural park.
Ostreiculture in Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image.Ostreiculture in Mali Ston. Click to enlarge the image in Adobe Stock (new tab).

History and traditionsHistory, literature, arts, traditions, legends, religions, myths, symbols…

Mali Ston lived exploitation of salt primarily; he is regarded today as one of the most important oyster stations of the Adriatic.

InformationPractical information

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Visiting timesVisiting times
Harbor office. Click to enlarge the image.Today, the small port is famous for its oyster breeding or other molluscs.

Good fish restaurants settled in edge of the port, and Mali Ston became a stage rebukes very run on the road of Dubrovnik.

According to the local tradition, the oysters would be the best at the time of the Saint Joseph, on March 19th.

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