Chão back Louros | Before reaching the collar of Encumeada, the road passes by Chão back Louros, pretty glazing bar the lauraceous ones. The lauraceous ones constituted in the beginning the natural vegetation of Madeira, but one largely cleared to arrange pastures and more recently, to plant forests of eucalyptus and pines. As the bay-tree has an important ecological function - it retains the moisture of the ground -, it is from now on a protected space in Parks Natural da Madeira. | Miradouro de Boca da Encumeada | Located at 1,007 m of altitude, the collar of Encumeada is crowned of a view-point dominating the two slopes of the island, giving an idea of the geological and topographic composition of the Madeira. The view-point dominates the two slopes of the island, offering a superb panorama when the clouds do not mask too the tops. It thus offers a general sight on the two central valleys of Madeira, which occupy a volcanic zone of fracture between the plate of Paúl da Serra and the solid masses close to the pico Ruivo. The sea appears, in north and the south. In the east and the west, one sees the chain of the notched peaks and the edge of the high plateau. | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Excursions | Boca (collar) da Encumeada leaves the easy paths. One of them joined towards the west the refuges of Lombo do Mouro and Bica da Cana, with the edge of the plate of Paúl da Serra (to count 3:00 of walk). | _small.jpg) _small.jpg) _small.jpg) | Towards the east, other paths move towards Pico Grande (1 600 m) and Pico do Jorge (1 692 m), which one can make the rise per good weather, then join will ribeira it back Socorridos and Curral das Freiras (to count approximately 8:00 of walk). |