| The town of Santana |  |
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| General information | _small.png) Santana is re-elected for its exceptional very coloured triangular stone-built houses, covered with a thatched roof, the palheiros. Dating from the 16th century, most between them from now on are preserved to attract the tourists. They are disseminated on several kilometers through the vines, the osieries and the flowers.The inhabitants lived traditionally in the vain ones and astonishing thatched cottages of wood (put colmo), with the pointed roofs going down almost to the ground, surrounded by closed flowered gardens of boxwood hedges. Several of these doll’s houses, in their closed enclosure of boxwood hedges, present a frontage of wood painted in carmine, pink, green or blue. Others, in the hill which dominates the village, are more modest, and their frontages under pointed pinion are seldom rough-cast. It are used as barns when they do not fall in ruins. Elsewhere, one sees put miniature colmo being used as niches for the dogs and, at the edge of the river, even the ducks have their clean palheiro.
Santana is the only village where this style of primitive but picturesque houses remains. The Park with Topic of Madeira with Santana presents a fantastic exposure for all the ages in order to learn the history, the traditions and the culture of Madeira and one can benefit there from attractions and the spectacles. |
| | Santana is located on a coastal plate at the North-East of Madeira, to 436 m of altitude. |
| | Igreja de Santa Anna | The church Sainte Anne dates from the 16th century. and fact shows inside as outside a great simplicity. At the beginning of August, at the time of the parish fair of Santissimo Sacramento, disappearing following the example of the place under mountains from flowers, it is unrecognizable. | Park das Queimadas | The forest park of Queimadas is pretty park, maintained well, and a place of which charms picnic, at the bottom of pico Ruivo. The walk among the arborescent flowers (fuchsias) carries out to a pond which reflects the surrounding acute tops. Das Queimadas Put is a set of style cottage, convalescent homes, pertaining to the government, and having each one a pretty garden. Queimadas are a withdrawn place, to 5 km of Santana. | Excursions | Santana is a good starting point for randonner on some of most beautiful paths along the levadas, the forests of laurisylve until Queimadas, Pico das Pedras and for most sporting, Pico Ruivo, the highest point of Madeira, to 1 861 m, which offers a spectacular sight. Thanks to will ribeiras, which descends the slopes of the mountains, the vegetation is practically as exuberant as in the virgin forest the hibiscuses, the agapanthes and other rhododendrons compete of beauty however that the beard of lichen of the trees undulates under the caress of the wind. | Since the park das Queimadas, in the prolongation of the road, a path leaves in the direction of the pico Ruivo (1 861 m), which one reaches per good weather into 3 or 4:00 One meets on the way of strange basaltic rocks, like Homem in Pé (the Man upright). | Refuge even of Queimadas, another hiking trail leaves in the direction of the paradisiac site Caldeirão Verde (green Cauldron) through a thick forest the lauraceous ones, along the levada da Serra. To follow starting from the carpark the signs Caldeirdo Verde on other side of a small bridge, behind the surface of picnic begins the levada do Caldeirão Verde. This excursion makes it possible to cross the forest laurifère and thus to find itself within the original vegetation of the island and it has the advantage of following a levada - tiny, the differences in altitude do not pose any problem. Little attended, this way rejects: the beginning, to 5 km in balance of Santana, is isolated from it: one arrives there by a narrow road and in bad condition, without forgetting the exposed situation of the path of the levada, which runs above precipice slopes, nor finally moisture including in the four tunnels however, the path is protected at the critical places. The 6 km cannot thus be traversed (3 H minimum) only by the experienced hikers (tunnels and cliffs without parapets) and equipped well. On arrival, the reward: the green lake emerald of the Green Cauldron, and its cascades which throw edges of the cauldron between mossy cliffs.
| On the other hand, the path of the pico das Pedras (3 km, towards the east) only takes 1:00. It is easy, but much less spectacular. | _small.jpg) | | _small.jpg) | | | |
| | Traditions | The city is also famous for its festival of the compadres, one week before the carnival. With this occasion, a “court” is seen subjecting the case of two mannequins of straw which are supposed to represent an adulterous couple and which, at the conclusion of this copiously sprinkled demonstration, are led in large pump to roughing-hew under the clamors of crowd - it is a manner like another of regulating their account with the spectra of the winter. |
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