In Valleseco is the “Laguna de Valleseco” (Lagoon of Valleseco), seasonal pool of fresh water that has recently undergone a major restoration of its environment. During the winter it is frequented by migratory birds such as the common lanyard. Around the pond there is a chestnut and a recreational area.
Since Valleseco you should get off the road for a few kilometers and contemplate the magnificent century old copies of Canarian pine found in the area known as the “los Pinos de Gáldar." These beautiful specimens grow on the western slope of a recent volcanic group known as the “Caldera de los Pinos de Gáldar” (Caldera of Pines of Gáldar), which has a spectacular volcano crater in the shape of an inverted cone. And then the “Pinos de Gáldar” to Teror to complete this route.