Teror is perhaps the most beautiful village in Gran Canaria. Note the beautiful Canarian architecture of cobbled streets and houses with wooden balconies Tea (Canary pine), carved by craftsmen.
The Church Our Lady of the Pine (Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Pino)
The Basilica of Our Lady of the Pine, the Patron Saint of the island of Gran Canaria, was built in the seventeenth century; although it retains a tower octagonal base of the era that followed the Conquest and Gothic style of the late fifteenth century.
They venerated the statue of the Virgin is a work of the fifteenth century and which belongs to the School of Seville.
Every September 8th place patronal festivals of the island, the festival of Nuestra Señora del Pino; it is an event in which thousands of pilgrims from all Island municipalities offer the best products of the earth to the Virgin during a popular event. During this holiday, in Teror, one can admire all the traditional costumes of the archipelago.