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The village of Vrboska, island of Hvar in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
Vrboska is a harbor small town, approximately 500 inhabitants, located on the northern coast of the island of Hvar in Croatia.

Administratively, Vrboska is part of the commune of Jelsa in the county of Split-Dalmatia.

The toponym of Vrboska would come from that of the village of Vrbanj, a village of the interior of the island of Hvar whose inhabitants founded the small port of Vrboska at the 15th century.

The locality is named Varboska in the local dialect.

At the time Venetian, Vrboska was named Verbosca in Italian.


Panorama of Vrboska (author Vladimir Ostrovski). Click to enlarge the image.The entry of bay of Vrboska. Click to enlarge the image.
The port of Vrboska is located at the bottom of a narrow arm of the sea which is inserted deeply in the northern coast of the island of Hvar.

The village is surrounded by a forest of pines, vines and olive-trees.

Vrboska is distant of 25 km of the capital, Hvar, and 4.5 km of Jelsa.


Verbosca is divided into two districts by an arm of the sea: in the Podva west, the east Pjaca (the place); the two districts are connected by three stone bridges which point out those of Venice and, in the middle of this narrow bay, is a pretty small island: Vrkboska gained there the nickname of “Small Venice”…

Dominated by its strengthened church, the old city preserves, along narrow lanes, of the stone-built houses of styles Gothic, Renaissance and baroque. On the two sides of bay are aligned typically Mediterranean small houses.

Small island in the bay (author Samuli Lintula). Click to enlarge the image.Bridge on the arm of the sea (author Samuli Lintula). Click to enlarge the image.Arm of the sea (author Samuli Lintula). Click to enlarge the image.
The Church Saint Mary (Crkva Svete Marije)
The church Saint Mary (author Samuli Lintula). Click to enlarge the image.The church Saint Mary (author Samuli Lintula). Click to enlarge the image.The church Saint Mary-of-the-Mercy (Crkva Svete Marije od Milosrda) is a strengthened church built in 1575, shortly after the devastation of the island of Hvar by the Othomans (1571).

This church-fortress (crkva-tvrđava) is built on a place raised in the center of the village and impresses by the imposing height of its crenelated walls and the massive aspect of its bastion; she testifies nevertheless architectural style to the Rebirth. The purpose of she was to be used as refuge with the population at the time as of frequent Turkish attacks.

The Church Saint Lawrence (Crkva Svetog Lovre)
The St. Lawrence church. Click to enlarge the image.The St. Lawrence church, polyptyque allotted to Véronèse. Click to enlarge the image.The St. Lawrence church, polyptyque allotted to Véronèse. Click to enlarge the image.The St. Lawrence church, polyptyque allotted to Véronèse. Click to enlarge the image.The St. Lawrence church is west of the Saint Mary church; this parish church dates from the 15th century, but was transformed in the style baroque at the 17th century, after a fire.

Less imposing than the strengthened church, Saint Lawrence church preserves, on the other hand, the most beautiful artistic treasures: polyptyque priceless of second half of the 16th century allotted to Paolo Cagliari, said Véronèse, (1528-1588) and a Virgin of the Rosary, Jacopo dal Laying, said Jacopo Bassano (around 1510-1592). It contains other crowned paintings of great value allotted to the Masters of the Rebirth of the Venetian school Tiziano Vecellio, Giuseppe Alabardi, Tiziano Aspetti, and finally the artist specialist in the filigree, Benvenuto Cellini.

Saint Lawrence is the owner of the village of Vrboska; it is celebrated each August 10th.

Peninsula of Glavica
To 2 km north of village of Vrboska the peninsula of Glavica is, which offers several rather pleasant pebble beaches.
The Museum of Fishing
The Museum of the Fishing of Vrboska points out the importance which this activity in the economic life of the small port had formerly which had its own sardine canning facilities. The museum presents all the traditional equipment of fishing, the fishing nets of all types and its ustensils of fishermen. One finds there also a house rebuilt of fishermen, which formerly gives an impressive impression of the hard life of the inhabitants of Vrboska.
The Church Saint Peter (Crkva Svetog Petra)
Vrboska counts also two other small church: the church Saint Peter is a Romance church going back to 1331; it is one of the oldest churches of the island of Hvar.
The Church Saint Roch (Crkva Sveti Roko)
The small church Saint Roch was built in 1577 in action of thanks to the protective saint against the epidemics, following an epidemic of plague which struck the island.

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