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Tourist information on the Canary Islands

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Practical informationPractical information

Useful informationUseful information
Jet lagJet lag
There is one hour less between the Canary Islands and Western Europe (Central European Time, CET), including mainland Spain. The Canary Islands are at the same time that Portugal and the islands to the west of Europe: Great Britain, Ireland and Iceland (Western European Time, WET).
The Canaries, like the rest of Spain is part is part of the Schengen area: citizens of countries belonging to this area are not subject to police border controls.
The Canary Islands, like the rest of Spain, use the euro. The former currency, the peseta, was converted to 166.386 ESP rate for EUR.
Tourist information on the Canaries. Electrical OutletTourist information on the Canaries. Electrical Outlet Voltage: 220 volts.

The outlets are compatible with the French plugs.

AdministrationAdministrative information
Tourist information on the Canary. Map. Click to enlarge the image.The Canary Islands are made ​​up of two provinces: the four western islands that include Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro and La Gomera, whose capital is Santa Cruz de Tenerife; and the eastern islands, which include Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and with the capital Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Otherwise, each island has its own internal government called the “cabildo insular."
The climate of the Canary Islands is broadly Mediterranean type modified with African influences (dry winds) and trade winds.

Summers are generally very hot, dry and warm, wet winters but with many variations.

The most appropriate way to present all the islands is described as a succession of microclimates ranging from 0 m to approximately 4000 m altitude. Indeed, the Canary Islands are near the Tropic of Cancer. Although the climate is appropriate to the latitude desert-like, the reality is quite different. They are located in the middle of the Atlantic, swept by the trade winds and exposed to cold ocean currents that bathe their coasts.

The trade winds blowing from northeast provide a permanent moisture coming from the sea, very important to the islands to the west (Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro). The mountains form a barrier, stopping the clouds and allow the emergence of rainfall between 800 and 1,500, allowing the establishment of evergreen forest.

The islands east, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, and the south of Gran Canaria, beyond the influence of the trade winds except the upper parts (Jandia in Fuerteventura and Famara in Lanzarote). The harmatan, dry wind from the Sahara is the cause of these islands a great dry climate.

Tourist information on the Canary Islands. Episode sirocco. Click to enlarge the image.Tourist information on the Canaries. Forest fires on Tenerife and Gran Canaria. Click to enlarge the image.Tourist information on the Canary Islands. Episode sirocco. Click to enlarge the image.
Average temperatures: winter 11 °C / 16 °C - was 20 °C / 25 °C. The annual average temperature is 20 °C (with minor oscillations) except in the mountains, where it is lower. In summer, temperatures rarely exceed 30 °C.

The coldest month is February with an average temperature of 18 °C and the hottest months, July to September, with an average between 20 °C and 25 °C for the Western Isles. On the eastern islands, semi-desert, average summer temperatures reach 35 °C. It is remarkable that the temperature differences are around at least 10 °C between the north and south coasts because of the trade winds that moderate the climate.

Regarding the precipitation rate, it varies with the regions, between 300 mm (in the lowlands) and 500 mm (in the higher regions). Sometimes a hot wind of desert type (calima) disturbs the followers of the god Helios. With all this and the 300 days of sun per year, the climate of the Canary Islands is considered one of the nicest in the world.
MeteorologyWeather and forecasts
The weather in Tenerife at the momentThe weather in Fuerteventura at the moment
The weather in Gran Canaria at the momentThe weather in Lanzarote at the moment

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The island of La Palma in the Canary Islands
The island of La Gomera in the Canary Islands
The island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands
The island of Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands
The island of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands
The island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands
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