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The national park of Plitvice in Croatia

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General presentationGeneral information
The National park of Plitvice is the most famous Croatian National park, recognized and classified with the world heritage of UNESCO. The principal curiosity of this park, single at the world, lies in the sixteen lakes connected the ones to the others by cascades formed by the sedimentation of travertine, left particular limestone. The park understands the territory where the Korana river takes its source in a space surrounded by dense forests of beeches, fir trees and junipers. By places, they evoke a virgin forest.


Korana river. Click to enlarge the image.The Lakes Plitvice are divided into Higher Lakes (Gornja will jezera) wooded soft inclined and Lower Lakes (Donja will jezera) located in a rock and abrupt canyon. More the big lake is at an altitude of 637 m, and the fall of the lowest cascade, Sastavci, under which starts to run the Korana river, to 503 m of altitude to the top of the sea level. This disalignment of 134 m flows in a multiplicity of large and small cascades, which do not cease changing form and height. The access to the cascades is possible thanks to ways arranged on small bridges out of wooden. Those are not only pleasant to look at, but they also preserve travertine, elements natural who worked the park of Plitvice. The steps of the man would be suitable for degrade it.

Higher lakes of Plitvice. Click to enlarge the image.Among the Lakes Plitvice, that which is located more in altitude is the Lake Prošćansko. So the rumbling of the cascades does not get along there. Because of the distance of the paths, nature is safeguarded there in its original state. Unlike Prošćansko big lake nested in its “bosky bower”, the environment characteristic of the Inférieurs lakes is composed of rocks of white limestone.

A cascade with travertine of Plitvice (Romance author Bonnefoy). Click to enlarge the image.Travertine offers a particular aspect; it is about a soft and porous rock, being formed thanks to the action of the water, which in the karstic areas, using micro-organisms, of algae and foam secretes molten limestone.
Flora and Fauna
In addition to the forests and the lakes, the Park is strewn with many caves, sources, meadows flowered. Among the many protected animal rare species, it is especially necessary to mention the brown bear.

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